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Showing posts from June, 2015


It was 6.00pm, 13 May 2015. The evening was beginning to turn dark and cloudy. We were in a private hospital that sits among a row of shoplots in Sungai Buloh. It was the Putra Medical Centre. My wife had just been brought to the labor room. I was tagging along, full of uncertainty in my mind. I was worried for her, worried for the baby, worried that the doctor had to attend to another woman in labor right in the other room because the woman and my wife just had to give birth at the same time. The nurse kept saying "please hold on. Whatever you do, do not push until the doctor gets here" as if it was the easiest thing to do. My wife was feeling more and more pain by the minute, and these 2 nurses stood there chit-chatting with each other loudly like it's nobody's business. I kept my cool at first, keeping in mind that I was never the fussy type. God forbid, I am NOT one of those. But as every contraction came about, my wife loses her ability to withstand the pain, a...