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My Sabah Adventure

There are only 2 states left in Malaysia that I've yet to set foot on. Sabah and Kelantan. I recently got the chance to finally cross Sabah out of that list. After 6 years without the annual company trip, they finally decided to bring it back in 2024. Initially, the plan was to go to Da Nang, Vietnam. But due to this ongoing "Cuti-cuti Malaysia" campaign, it would seem counterintuitive and perhaps a bit hypocritical should Malaysian Association of Hotels, the most prominent hotel association in the country, be orchestrating its staff trip overseas. We landed and stayed in Kota Kinabalu. I must say, KK wasn't as busy as Kuching. It had less traffic, less people walking the streets and I bet the size of the city is much smaller. We stayed at the Pacific Sutera Hotel, a 5 star luxury hotel overlooking a beautiful harbor where ships and yachts come and go. This hotel was built on a man-made island. The rooms were spacious. It housed the 3 of us perfectly fine. The bosses
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A Realization

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