So, many are concerned including myself whether Ecigs are safe health-wise. As most ecig users know, the e-juice contains 4 chemicals which are : Propylene Glycol(PG), Vegetable Glycerine(VG), Nicotine and Artificial Flavoring. All these ingredients except nicotine may be safe to ingest. But are they safe to INHALE? Here's what i googled and found out, mainly about PG though. Hope it relieves the uncertainty clouding today's society about Electronic Cigarettes.
Question :
So have any tests actually been done to determine if it's bad to be inhaling this all day? Who knows, maybe it's worse than tobacco? I doubt it, but has it actually been tested at all? I know they have tested it somewhat because they use it in fog machines and stuff all the time.. but that's just inhaling a bit that's in the air, it's not really the same.
by Admin
This post is many years old and contains some speculation and out-of-date information that can be disregarded. On the last page are some links to research showing PG is safe for inhalation in absolute terms: it has 70 years of documented history for this purpose and no one has ever died as a result. In pharmaceutical terms this is not just exemplary, it is highly unusual. For example, aspirin is far more dangerous.
PG is used in asthma inhalers and the nebulizers used by lung transplant patients. Any sources that say it 'may be unsafe to inhale' would need to explain why it is licensed for inhalable medicines and injectable medicines by all authorities, and licensed for long-term high-volume inhalation under all employee health regulations (it is the main ingredient in theatre/disco fog - Fog Machines), and without incident for 70 years.
However that is not to say there are no cautions because individual tolerance to any given material, no matter how harmless, varies comprehensively:
For inhalation duty, only pharma-grade PG must be used. There are multiple grades including industrial grade, agricultural grade, pharma grade. Do not use the cheapest option as it is unlikely to be pharma grade.
Some individuals are intolerant to the throat-drying propensity of PG. They should try another brand, or a higher VG percentage in their refill liquid, or change to all-VG.
Question :
So have any tests actually been done to determine if it's bad to be inhaling this all day? Who knows, maybe it's worse than tobacco? I doubt it, but has it actually been tested at all? I know they have tested it somewhat because they use it in fog machines and stuff all the time.. but that's just inhaling a bit that's in the air, it's not really the same.
by Admin
This post is many years old and contains some speculation and out-of-date information that can be disregarded. On the last page are some links to research showing PG is safe for inhalation in absolute terms: it has 70 years of documented history for this purpose and no one has ever died as a result. In pharmaceutical terms this is not just exemplary, it is highly unusual. For example, aspirin is far more dangerous.
PG is used in asthma inhalers and the nebulizers used by lung transplant patients. Any sources that say it 'may be unsafe to inhale' would need to explain why it is licensed for inhalable medicines and injectable medicines by all authorities, and licensed for long-term high-volume inhalation under all employee health regulations (it is the main ingredient in theatre/disco fog - Fog Machines), and without incident for 70 years.
However that is not to say there are no cautions because individual tolerance to any given material, no matter how harmless, varies comprehensively:
For inhalation duty, only pharma-grade PG must be used. There are multiple grades including industrial grade, agricultural grade, pharma grade. Do not use the cheapest option as it is unlikely to be pharma grade.
Some individuals are intolerant to the throat-drying propensity of PG. They should try another brand, or a higher VG percentage in their refill liquid, or change to all-VG.
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