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I Came, I Saw, I Mumble..

The lights went out. Total silence. Then the 'opening crawl' appears from the bottom of the screen almost in perfect synchronization with the loud intro of that familiar orchestral composition. The yellow texts float upwards and away into the black backdrop of space. It was the new Star Wars movie : The Force Awakens! This is one of quite a few updates and events that had taken place during my absence here.

My last post was May last year, around the time when my baby Elissa was born. So what's new? Let's see. Malaysian Association Of Hotels, the company I work for organized it's signature event, Culinaire Malaysia and it went exceptionally well. Shortly after, we flew to Cambodia for our annual budget presentation/staff trip. The year end dinner took place at Impiana KLCC Hotel, which was great. Food was amazing. Then as the new year came, in February, I officially said goodbye to the finance/account department and was transferred to become the admin assistant. This, in particular, was a good transition for me, as it gave me a much, much better sense of growth. I admit I did not fully understand finance/accounting. I had no accounting background whatsoever but felt lucky to have been employed as one nonetheless.

But in the long run, it would've been a dead end job for me. Like my former boss Ms. Sharon used to ask "don't you see yourself as a Finance Executive one day?" and I would respond by saying "honestly, no". Then she would say "where is this going then?". I'm not a pessimist. It's just that I very well know my own capabilities and limitations, and to be able to handle a full set of accounts like our Finance Senior Executive Ms. Mages, would be far-fetched. It would at least require more than just a hotelier certificate or..perhaps some 10 years of working experience? Plus, you have to have a genuine interest in mathematics and numbers to gradually conquer the world of accounting.

Oh, also last year, in December, I brought Rayyan for his first movie experience. And his first movie just had to be Star Wars The Force Awakens! Am I a cool dad or am I a cool dad, huh? Not much for him, but it was MY second run on that movie, because it was freaking awesome! It was exactly how I'd wish it would be. Contrary to what some Star Wars fans say, I don't think it sucked. Of course half of them hated it, saying that it's too much like the original trilogy, that J.J. Abrams was playing it safe, using almost every bit of recipe used in the original. Well screw that. The prequel trilogy was given the worst bash of all because it was too different from the original. Nothing will ever please you freaks. Stop comparing them all with the originals. This new one is absolutely terrific. It did brought back that element of good story-telling, which I admit, had almost vanished in the prequel trilogy. The prequel trilogy was bombarded with too much CGI and special effects that it lacked a few other qualities. But it still was pretty awesome to me. The new one just so happens to be about these new characters going through a whole different adventure, mainly targeted for the newer generations. It had a lot of plots that somewhat resemble the originals but not similar in any way. Old-school Star Wars fans have to learn to adapt to this change. What the director was trying to do was bringing back the sense of awe and wonder to viewers like the originals did.

Anyway, Mages is resigning from MAH, which is really sad. She had been my guide since the first day I came in. She was the first person I knew there, besides Emmilda, who actually introduced me to MAH. What else? Yeah, my former boss (during my employment with Grand Seasons Hotel) Mr. Ron Hasni became MAH's new CEO somewhere last year. What a small world. Um..and this year, my wife and I enrolled Rayyan in a different school. He seems happy so far. The interior of the school looked much more like a kindergarten than an actual classroom. And it has an added activity which is Taekwondo. Well, the vape craze seems to have subsided these past few months. I found myself vaping less as well for some reason. I haven't done any end-of-the-year recording sessions like I have been doing since 2012. The truth is I do have material to work with but not good enough to actually record, in my humble opinion. Plus, since the birth of my daughter Elissa, time has become very limited for me. It's rather difficult to escape knowing that two children plus one baby are rampaging at home while my wife hangs on to dear mercy. I mean I should provide all the assistance I could possibly give for the time being. I will get back on the music bus after a few years when they grow a bit older and become easier to handle. See, I'd like to think of myself as a very thoughtful husband. And there, some haters go yapping about how I'm afraid of my wife, I'm being queen-controlled and shit. My advice is stop judging because no one really knows what goes on in one's family except for the family members themselves. Go and rectify the problems in your own family as a good person would do.

Talking about family, the whole Zubir family is going on a trip to Port Dickson this Friday. Just me, my wife and the kids, along with my brother's family, Mis's family and my folks. A much needed get-together. Although this wouldn't be the first time Rayyan gets to see the ocean (the last time he saw it was at Teluk Chempedak, but I doubt he remebers it), I'm sure he'd be amazed at the very sight of it. I just hope the Whatsapp rumour about the ongoing 5 day heat wave isn't as bad as they say it is, nor will it interfere with our outdoor activities during our stay. So until then, sayonara.

For previous posts, click on the main header "MY WRITTEN THOUGHTS."


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