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Hello, Blog. It's Been A While

As usual, I haven't been doing any update on this blog. This time, for almost a year. My last post was in October last year. So I'm just gonna cramp in as much detail as I can as to what I have been up to since then in a single blog post.

Bandung, Indonesia
In October last year, me and the whole MAH team (Malaysian Association Of Hotels) went out on our annual staff retreat, this time to Bandung, Indonesia. Bandung was awesome but what was even more awesome was the trip that we took up an active volcano! The place is known as Tangkuban Parahu. Now, there wasn't any lava visible like you see on TV but there was a large crater (among many other smaller craters that we didn't have time to see) that literally has smoke seeping out of it. I was in total awe as we first reached the peak of the mountain. That was a sight you don't get to see everyday. Though the smell of sulfur was a bit overwhelming but bearable. The mountain was literally 'breathing' and the first thing I thought to myself was - this is one of nature's ventilation shaft and we are standing directly on it! However, should you decide to visit this place one day, be mindful of the touts that readily wait at the entrance upon your arrival and these guys do not take no for an answer. Agreed upon or otherwise, these guys would pick a person and appoint themselves as their own personal tour guide. Now, they are not in any way rude or displeasing, they are just a bit of an annoyance. You will not get a chance to walk around the crater by yourself, your personal tout will be with you at all times, feeding you with what appeared to be useful information about the volcano. All this service with the hopes that you buy one of their 'volcanic bracelets' or a few other souvenirs that they sell at the end of the tour. And I bought one just because the dude was extremely polite.
Tangkuban Parahu, Bali, Indonesia

So other than the volcano, which for me, was the highlight of the trip, Bandung does offer many other attractions but the rest of our trip consisted of shopping, shopping and more shopping. I mean, for people who love shopping, this place is heaven for them. The choices and incredibly low prices are crazy! We went shopping at factory outlets, roadside markets and a mall that allows smoking. However, we did visit the Farm House Susu Lembang, a petting zoo slash milk factory slash mini dutch town with colonial-style architecture. It was quite interesting. And the fancy dinners that we had throughout the trip was fantastic. All in all, we sure had a great time.

My First Rap Song - Dunia

Backtracking a bit, I started working on my first ever rap song titled Dunia on 19 July 2017. This is my first time making a song that took about 9 months to complete. I'm not going to get into the details too much and I'll keep it as simple as possible. on 19 July 2017, I went to BOM Productions to construct the beat. Me and Che En, the studio engineer worked it out from scratch. We started with a drum beat sample which we got from the recording software. Then we added the piano effect, which was also from the same software. Then we went on to add in the bass guitar, which again, was also from the software, not from a real bass guitar. So with these three elements stitched together, we called it a night. I remember being so excited that a song, which was merely a tune I created in my head, was slowly forming and being manifested into existence.

I returned to the studio on 20 December 2017 with the other two rappers (who insisted to remain anonymus) to record our respective rap verses. It wasn't the best version as we weren't really properly prepared for it. But we moved on anyway. So the next session was specifically for the chorus only. I managed to talk my wife's friend into singing the chorus for me as I needed a female voice for it. I've heard her sing before when we went to a karaoke a few years back and she definitely has a beautiful singing voice. I consider myself very lucky as she was willing to do it for free. So we did just that on 10 February 2018. Me, my wife and the kids all went together with her and her husband. It was an exhausting night but we managed to complete her session.

So the next session was on 3 March 2018 and was mainly for re-doing all three rap verses. One of the rappers couldn't make it but we proceeded anyway because the song's progress had been delayed for too long. We did it successfully. The 3rd rapper's session was scheduled immediately the following week on 10 March 2018. He too, managed to complete his part that night. I returned to the studio alone on 20 March 2018 to furnish the song with a finishing touch of the acoustic rhythm guitar pluckings and the acoustic guitar solo. I also took this opportunity to do some editing and 'repairs' to the song's overall composition and arrangement. And just like that, the song was done, yet to be finalized by Che En. The song was finally ready on 2 April 2018 and I then uploaded it to Youtube on 8 April 2018.

I Started Vlogging!
Now, this came as a surprise to some, but on 3 April 2018, I uploaded my first vlog! I decided to start vlogging and actually record that first vlog the week before, on Friday, 30 March 2018. I've been meaning to do so a long time ago but I kept holding it back due to lack of confidence and mainly feeling embarrassed of what other people would say about it. And that mentality of 'thinking about what others might say' is indeed a poisonous thing. I finally gathered the courage to record and upload that first vlog and I've been uploading more and more ever since. I actually created a second Youtube account specifically for vlogging.

What is a vlog, one might ask. Well, from what I understand, a vlog is in fact a blog but in video form. Then, what is a blog? The word blog originated from the word 'web-log'. It is when you log your thoughts or any topic of interest on to the internet. Some use it as a 'public diary', some consider it to be a platform for writers, some post informative articles and some simply just use it to convey their own personal life experiences (which is the category that is commonly and largely used in vlogs).

I post a new video every week, sometimes two to three videos if I have enough footage. And man, i told you in my vlogs and I'm telling you again, I love doing this! I found a new passion that I never knew I had before. I found out that I actually love creating and it doesn't matter what I create. I wrote songs, I drew cartoons, I drew landscapes and sceneries, I used to paint (horribly, I might add), I used to write a lot in my diary before moving on to blogs. Now I have found a new outlet to express myself creatively and it has been keeping me happy and fulfilled. Plus, I get to learn,practice and sharpen my skills at videography. At the same time, I get to entertain, which is also something I love to do. So it's a good blend. Why I didn't start this earlier in my life is beyond me.

Some of my friends ask me why I vlog. Pretty plain and simple, I just love doing it. I enjoy the whole process of it, from shooting to post-editing, it's just really fun and fulfilling for me. I'm not doing it for fame, i'm not doing it for money. But of course I would openly accept it should both of those factors emerge in the process. But honestly, i'm really not counting on it. And I'd be lying if I said I'm not hoping to grow my Youtube channel in terms of audience/subscribers.

However, I am not, by any means claiming to be good at it. I'm well aware that I need to work on improving my skills in vlogging, story-telling and videography. I need to practice more and more to ensure I create more quality and entertaining content. I am totally excited about my vlogging journey. I even bought a dedicated camera solely for this purpose.

This is a link to my channel right here :
and below is one of the vlogs I uploaded when me and the family went out to IKEA on a weekend.


An MMA Event - ONE Championship 

I was lucky enough to get to attend an MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) event called ONE Championship. I never knew the existence of this Singapore founded event as I am only familiar with UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) and Bellator. Apparently there is an Asian version of this and it's called One Championship.

A friend of mine was doing ticket giveaways on her Facebook page and I managed to get 3 free VIP tickets for the event so I invited my good friend Muzz and my office mate Halim to join me. The three of us went together to Axiata Arena in Bukit Jalil on 13 July 2018. Upon entering we were told to queue at the VIP line, complete with red carpets and a photo wall session. So as we made our way inside, oh my god. It was exactly like how we see it on TV, with the octagon cage and that huge screen above the stage and all. I was mesmerized by the ambience of the arena, especially with that huge square rig hanging above the cage that has colorful lights flashing out of it. That thing is a monster!

What's funny though was the fact that I actually thought this was a muay thai or thai boxing event, as what was shown on the poster I saw on Facebook earlier. And I even had the other two lads believe it was a thai boxing event as well. The poster actually showed two pairs of fighters, indicating that there are two matches that will be the main bouts or the highlights of the event, usually put last in the queue. One of them is an MMA fight between a Swedish dude and a Malaysian. The other is the thai boxing match.

So eventhough the dude representing Malaysia lost to that huge guy from Sweden, overall it was an awesome night. I never thought that I would ever get the chance to watch a live MMA event. That was mind-blowing! At least for me it was. The other two seemed to enjoy it as well.

So there were many other interesting occasions that took place throughout my nine months of absence here. To name a few, MAH organized the AGM & Gala Dinner and also the Charity Jam Session (both of which I managed to vlog about) among some other smaller events. Me and the family celebrated Eidul Fitr in Jasin, Melaka and Ipoh, Perak. For now, my brain is just too lazy to recall a few other highlights of 2017/2018. But hey, there's plenty more to happen for 2018, so hopefully I won't be too lazy to update it here. Until then, peace out.


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