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Life Update 4/9/2019

So it's been 1 year since I last posted here. My last post was on 2 August 2018. Ever since I started vlogging, I kind of left everything else including blogging and writing/recording new songs. Only 2 months ago did I start to shift my attention back on music. Yes, I am in the midst of producing a new song. Still in the recording phase, and will then proceed with making the music video for it. For the first time ever, I will be releasing a new song which comes with a music video. I am really excited about it. Although I have zero percent experience in making a music video, I just can't wait to learn and explore this new territory and observe the outcome. Speaking of music videos, I have plans to start this huge project where I produce music videos for all my previous songs as well, and re-release them on my vlog channel on Youtube. But enough about that, though. Until the project starts to take shape, it simply remains just another 'plan'.

So I have been vlogging for over a year now, since 1 April 2018 to be precise. I have learned so much since then. I improved my videography and editing skills. I learned how to make cinematic b-rolls. I learned the basics of how to operate the camera both in automatic and manual modes. I improved in story-telling and pacing. I developed a better eye at choosing better angles, framing and when to use camera movement. My self confidence has improved. I no longer feel shy to appear on camera. Among other stuff. I am now at my 112th episode thus far and I do not plan on quitting any time soon. I currently have 279 subscribers, which is a very slow but steady growth. In conclusion, I feel very happy and satisfied, so the boring vlogs will keep coming.

Last year's staff trip was in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The trip was more than awesome. I am deeply thankful for that experience. Though I failed to write a blog about it and I am not sure if I would write about it in the future. Moving forward, the signature event Culinaire Malaysia 2019 will be happening  end of this month. Then next month, the whole office will be going for a trip, but the destination hasn't been decided yet. The office went through a make-over with a whole new look. Open concept without cubicles, all new furniture, new surau and pantry and a small dedicated room for the servers. We all have new workstations, it's pretty cool. I started vaping again, for the um-teenth time. My little Airis can now read. A little bit. All my kids are deeply into the songs by Alan Walker. I find his songs strangely appealing and catchy too. I never was into EDMs but Alan is something else. Good stuff.

Most of my life updates can be found in my vlogs because I vlog mostly on weekends, with my family when we're out doing stuff, and I upload a new video each week. The vlogs are not that entertaining to be honest because it's just my normal, typical weekends going out shopping for groceries, or taking the kids out to the playground or visiting my parents or parents-in-law, taking the family out to malls among other things. But I find making videos of my life really fulfilling so I continue to make them. They may be interesting or valuable memories for me and my family to look back on in the future. Imagine my son watching one of these vlogs 10 to 20 years from now. It must be somewhat fascinating to say the least. Those are priceless memories that would otherwise be gone forever if not documented. For me, it wouldn't be possible to take a glimpse at my childhood in the same manner. However, my parents took a fair amount of photos back then and these remain the only form of documentation available to me. So, video would probably be an awesome addition to the family memory archive.

By making these vlogs, am I humiliating myself? Probably. Am I making a fool of myself by putting myself out there? Do I put myself at risk of embarrassment, especially from my family members, relatives and friends? Probably. But I really don't care. Not anymore. To care too much about what other people might think of you is a whole different prison in itself. True freedom comes from within. And learning how to achieve this freedom is a life-long learning experience. And to push through such an obstacle, for me, is worth the start.

On that note, I would like to end this blog post with a huge THANK YOU. Thank you for reading through. God knows when I will write a new post next, but one thing is for sure. I will keep writing in this blog as it is a useful outlet for me to vent out or express myself every now and then.

Live it, vlog it. The movement is real.


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