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The Most Embarrassing Moment Of My Life

So I'd like to share this funny tale that i just can't forget for the rest of my life. I never told anyone about it except my wife. It was a typical tiring night. I'd just got off from work during afternoon shift and it was about 11.30pm. So i was feeling hungry, stopped by at the row of restaurants near my house to order my favorite set of menu which was white rice, oxtail soup and fried squid, with my occasional iced tea. It was a typical malay roadside restaurant, one of my favorites. They serve good malay and thai food there. So i had my taste-buds indulged, my tummy filled and smoked a marlboro to wrap it up.

After paying the bill, i stood up and walked towards my car. I reached for the keys in my left pocket and pressed the button on the key to unlock the car. It went "beep-beep!". So i opened the door, sat inside and shut the door tight. As i was trying to insert the key into the ignition, that's when it hit me. There was a thin red light around the key socket which wasn't supposed to be there. The dashboard meter behind the steering wheel was totally different and modified, hell even the steering wheel itself was smaller than usual. The racing type. I was officially in someone else's car! And the owner of the car was staring at me from outside the window, in awe! Like a reflex, i immediately exited the vehicle and rushed towards mine which was about 10 feet away. I drove away as if nothing ever happened.

What really happened was this; as i pressed the remote button to unlock my car, so did the other guy, who was also having dinner there and was about to leave. So he and his friend were walking towards their car, coincidently pressed the remote button on his key the same time that i did. Me, with whatever nonsense that i had my mind occupied with, reached his car first before him and confidently entered the car and shut the door. They were like too shocked to say anything, let alone to even react. They just stood there outside the car watching, probably for a second they thought i was either a senseless thief or just a crazy gangster who doesn't give a damn. The thing is, i was driving a grey Proton Persona SE (and still am) and that dude's car was exactly the same model, same color. After realizing i had made a dumb mistake which probably only Homer Simpson would do, i got out of the car, did not say a word and just left. Even worse, the parking lot is situated directly along the row of restaurants, so almost everyone eating there saw the whole thing. Which is why i classify this as THE MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT IN MY far. My god, i really hope nothing like this would happen again. Or anything worse for that matter.

My Proton Persona. Isn't it the best looking car ever? :p


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